quarta-feira, abril 27, 2005

That Day

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Well, that day, that day
What a mess, what a marvel
I walked into that cloud again
And I lost myself
And I'm sad, sad, sad
Small, alone, scared
Craving purity
A fragile mind and
A gentle spirit

Well, that day, that day
What a marvelous mess
Well this is all that I can do
I'm done to be me
Sad, scared, small, alone, beautiful
It's supposed to be like this
I accept everything
It's supposed to be like this

Well, that day, that day
I lay down beside myself
In this feeling of pain, sadness
Scared, small, climbing, crawling
Towards the light
And it's all I see and
I'm tired and I'm right
And I'm wrong
And it's beautiful

Well, That day that day
What a mess
What a marvel
We're all the same
But no one thinks so
And it's okay
And I'm small
And I'm divine
And it's beautiful
And it's coming
And it's already here
And it's absolutely perfect

Well, that day, that day
When everything was a mess
And everything was in place
And it's too much, hurt
Sad, small, scared, alone

And everyone's a cynic
And it's hard and it's sweet
But it's supposed
To be like this

Well, that day, that day
When I sat in the sun
And I thought and I cried
'Cause I'm sad, scared, small
Alone, strong
And I'm nothing
And I'm true
Only a brave man
Can break through
And it's all okay
Yeah, it's okay


So sweet, can you feel it?
Are you here, are you with me?
I can feel it and it's beautiful

That day, that day
That day, absolutely perfect

Letra de Patrick Leonard, canção interpretada por Natalie Imbruglia.

Nota: Uma das minhas canções favoritas, sei que a sua letra é bastante longa, mas quem tiver o tempo e a paciência para lê-la do início ao fim, entenderá.


Blogger vivencias said...

A letra realmente é fantástica, sabes que sou um pouco distraido em relação a quem interpreta o k, pelo que está requisitada a gravação da usica para seu tio ouvir.
Aliás podes envia-la por MSN.
Beijos Grandes

12:21 da tarde  

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